
By Tyson Thorne

November 20, 2014

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When a football team wins the Super Bowl each member of the team receives a special ring of great value, both as a reward and a reminder of their accomplishment. Every year there is an awards ceremony for those film and television actors who have performed in a way so stellar they are deserving of special recognition. Pageants are held to recognize men and women of extreme beauty and talent. Mankind is very good at recognizing the accomplishments of other men and women, yet we rarely (if ever) award God for the outstanding achievements he creates in our lives.

We’ve seen this week how standing stones help people of faith remember God’s faithfulness, and how people can sometimes be a standing stone for us. Many Christ-followers keep a journal, which can be an excellent way to chronicle answers to prayer and special blessings. But journals only work if they are revisited, read from time to time, to remind us of all God’s work.

Other believers celebrate their spiritual birthday as a reminder of their own place in Jesus as well as to remind themselves of God’s greatest blessing. Others have a birthday celebration for Jesus. For many Christmas and Easter are dates that remind them of God’s faithfulness. Annual reminders are great but daily reminders are better. What will you do to remind yourself of those special events in your life?

Since has finished its first year, we are creating a standing stone of our own to remind us of God’s faithfulness. We have decided to have a small placard created to hang in our office commemorating this first year of ministry. It will be a physical reminder of God’s faithfulness to us and to his continued presence in our lives.

Of course a standing stone doesn’t have to be anything so elaborate. It could easily be a dry-erase board hanging in a garage, or a series of three by five cards on the refrigerator. In some way however every believer should have a constant reminder of the fulfilled promises, answered prayers, and faithfulness of God in their life. There are few disciplines in the Christian life that will strengthen your connection to God.