
By Tyson Thorne

December 31, 2015

FT action large

This week we are looking at becoming spiritually “fit”, which includes exercise just as physical fitness does. So far we have discovered that becoming spiritually fit starts with an understanding that Life is first about God, and then about the welfare of others. To properly serve others requires the right motivation and attitude. Once our world view shift to be God- and other-focused, and our attitude and motives align with God’s heart, we will discover that our acts of service are synchronized with our faith. Today we will list a number of ways you can live your faith responsibly.

There are many ways to serve others, and most require either time or money. The items we list below is obviously not comprehensive, but rather is intended to show that with a little creativity you may find opportunities you never knew existed.

Get involved in Home Schooling. Even if you don’t home school your own children, or maybe your kids are grown and out of the “nest”, you can still be involved in teaching children truth about life and God. Today, many home school kids travel from one home to another to learn skills from people who have mastered them. Are you an accountant? Teach math. A farmer? Teach botany. An artist? Teach an art class. You get the idea. Local home school groups can be found on the Internet; contact one or more of them to see what opportunities are available for you. Variations on this are teaching a class at the local YMCA or coaching a little league sport or getting involved in Fellowship of Christian Athletes. You might stay away from organizations that do not appreciate you sharing your faith. Don’t forget service projects at your church as well, there are all kinds of opportunities from facilities work to creating bulletins and teaching classes.

If you do not have time to serve in any of the capacities above, there are also plenty of sponsorship opportunities. Find a Christian organization that is working in an area you are passionate about and contribute. I can highly recommend Worldview Academy, Dare 2 Share, Cadence and Answers In Genesis. One time gifts are always appreciated though a commitment to regular giving helps them budget. Sponsoring a breakfast for the FCA or a student at your church to go on a retreat. Donate food to a homeless shelter. Some Christian colleges and universities have programs where you may donate funds to a student in particular -- or to several in general -- anonymously. The point is, whether we give a little or a lot, we model the generosity of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 9.7 Paul writes, "Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver."

We differentiate ourselves from those who do good deeds for personal gain. Unlike hypocrites, Kingdom people practice righteousness with sincerity. Remember that kingdom giving always invites others to Christ. We don’t give for humanitarian reasons. We don’t give because we have excess (so few of us even have excess!). We give out of what God has given to us so that others might also be drawn to God. With this in mind it becomes difficult to desire personal credit or approval for our deeds.

Of course, if you have both time and money I recommend you consider a short term mission trip. Not only will you be ministering to those in desperate need and you may uncover a hidden spiritual gift or two along the way. It may inspire you to make a career change, or alter your retirement plans. Who knows where God may lead you once you starting acting on your faith.