
By Tyson Thorne

March 8, 2017

It doesn’t seem as long ago as it actually is that my good friend Rusty Carter and our mentor Bill Jack were leading people through the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on a Biblically-Correct tour. As usual, we started the tour at the large T-Rex skeleton in the lobby to teach the four killer questions, then moved up to the Jurassic Journey exhibit. Our groups were always amazed at the short film that kicks off the exhibit, noting how it could not be more different from the Biblical account. It’s as if the filmmakers took the Bible and inverted the story.

According to the movie, the earth started out as a burning ember in space with volcanoes spewing lava, steam and poisonous gasses. Without any explanation as to where the water came from, we were told that it rained for hundreds of thousands of years until basins filled and rivers overflowed. The only explanation for how life began is the word “suddenly”, and then over millions of years single cell organisms slowly evolved into the rich variety of life we see today. The Bible teaches the earth is young instead of ancient, that it started out covered in water and not fire, and that all of life was created by God over six days. Instead of a small variety of life expanding over time, the Bible records a rich variety of life being created and narrowing out through extinction. The two views could not be more different, but all that is starting to change.

According to a paper published by a team of geochemists at the University of California, Los Angeles, life began much earlier than originally anticipated (4.1 billion years ago instead of 3.8 billion, putting the event closer to the planets origin 4.5 billion years ago). They also surmise that life began quickly, rather than over eons of time. One of the authors of the paper, Mark Harrison, even stated that,

"The early Earth certainly wasn't a hellish, dry, boiling planet; we see absolutely no evidence for that. The planet was probably much more like it is today than previously thought." He went on to say that "Life on Earth may have started almost instantaneously."

If you’re interested in how they came to their conclusions you can check out the abbreviated explanation on Engadget, or read their paper. A group of paleobiologists have come to similar conclusions about when life began. Other studies show that human life began earlier than previously suspected, putting their existence closer to the age of the dinosaurs. Start Bing searching the Internet and you’ll see article after article of scientists revising their story about when life in general and human life in particular began and the window of their “evolution” is closing.

Regardless of the long timelines evolutionists use, it seems “science” is starting to come around to the Bible’s way of thinking about origins. The point is that those who prescribe to the Big Bang and evolutionary theory are always changing their story, and every time they do its gets a little bit closer to the Bible’s account -- which is static and written thousands of years ago. Evolutionists still have a long way to go to before they are Biblicists, but they have come a long way from Darwin’s work “The Origin of the Species and the Preservation of the Favored Races”. In fact the only idea they still lift from Darwin is the notion that animals evolved from one species into others, everything else he proposed has been proven false.

I am reminded of the old saw that when the scientists have finally reached the top of the mountain in their understanding of life they find the theologians already there, gathered around a camp fire.

Food for Thought:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1.16