
By Tyson Thorne

January 22, 2014

EC04 large

When the Bible becomes the basis for our lives and every day dilemmas we become motivated to pray. This prayer is rarely selfish (“Lord please help ME…”), trite (“God’s neat, let’s eat!”) or compromising (“Lord, whatever you think is best…”). This is true intercessory prayer that is filled with meaning and lets God know what we are hoping for. More details on this kind of prayer can be found in our entry on "5 Forms of Prayer: Preparation".

When Christ-followers are working together in accordance with Scripture and are moved to pray for the needs of others we will discover the gifts God has given to assist us in engaging the culture. While the gifts are given to the body for the purpose of serving the body, by serving the body we become stronger and more able to serve the unbelieving community. Some gifts even have a direct relationship to engaging culture. Take for example the gift of Evangelism. Other gifts are helpful to both Christ-followers and unbelievers, such as hospitality, teaching and faith. We ought to pay great attention to how God has gifted us, for this will help us discern ways we are equipped to serve the body and engage the culture.

Christians are meant to engage the culture in which they live. We are meant to hold its attention and come into conflict with it for the express purpose of winning it over to Christ. We do this in a variety of ways, meeting people where we live, where they live and sometimes in both places at the same time! In so doing we follow the example of all who have gone before us, we fulfill the biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations (cultures), and we benefit society as a whole. We are prepared to engage the culture when we make the Bible relevant to life and when we serve and pray for others.