
By Tyson Thorne

April 13, 2014

PalmSunday large

Today we celebrate the triumphant arrival of the Messiah, just as the crowds did for the first time nearly 2000 years ago. Unlike them, we know the whole story, crown of thorns and all.

This is a story marked by reversals. The crowd that greeted Jesus that day desired a king to free them from Roman rule, but Jesus rode a colt of peace rather than a war horse. The crowd welcomed Jesus as Messiah and king, though Jesus arrived to die a suffering servant. Like the crowd of Jerusalem, we too await the coming of the triumphant king, though we are much nearer to that glory than they.

We do not know how many of those who welcomed Jesus with palm leaves held high and shouting “Hosanna” were a part of the crowd shaking raised fists and shouting “Crucify him!” a few days later. I imagine there were more than a few. As unbelievable as that sounds, remember that the disciples themselves, who had observed Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead only a week or two before, never imagined Jesus’ resurrection. We are a people that often misunderstands what is before us and, in our confusion and disappointment, turns away from what is right and good.

The question for us is, have we learned from the mistakes of our forbearers? Like them, do we celebrate Jesus during the season and then turn our own away afterward? Do we only praise God when we think he is doing what we want, instead of praising him even when he permits hardship and heartbreak?

Celebrate the day by spending time with your Lord. Ask him to remind you of his power and greatness when it is hardest for us to see.