
By Tyson Thorne

August 20, 2015

SermonMount part3 large


Yesterday we left off announcing that there are two key concepts Jesus teaches during the Sermon on the Mount. The first of these concepts is: Realize persecution WILL happen. Jesus tells us in Matthew 10.22 that “All men will hate you because of me…” And Paul tells Timothy “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” (2 Timothy 3.12). This truth prompts two questions: do you desire to live a godly life in Jesus? When was the last time you were persecuted?

Recent Headlines form world newspapers:
Indonesia: Police Evict Students
China: Christian Student Expelled
Russia: Pastors Fined for Worship Colombia:
Pastor Martyred India: Relief Camp Bombed
Somalia: Christian Leader Killed

This is just the beginning of a long list of atrocities the world over. When we think of persecution, many will picture Stephen in Acts being stoned to death for preaching Jesus. Others may think of John Elliot and his friends being murdered by South American natives. Some will likely think of Columbine and the gunmen who targeted Christians. These are good examples of persecution, but, fortunately for us, persecution usually takes a less violent approach.

Persecution may take many forms. Jesus is so kind as to list a few for us in verse 11. He knows all of history. Out of all the examples he could have given he mentions insults and false testimony about your character. Persecution, especially in America, isn’t usually bloody or violent. It usually takes the form of a teacher threatening to fail a student for their beliefs, or a Christian being compared to the Taliban in the media, or secularists depicting a Christian as an ignorant fool who doesn’t know any better. I have personally endured all these things and more. Persecution is often mundane and is usually more wide-spread than we think.

Besides the name calling and slurs, Christians are often represented as anti-science, unintellectual and superstitious. These stereotypes exist on TV, in film and perhaps worst of all by news anchors and commentators. Teaching at public museums I’ve had tours interrupted by museum workers and random tourists alike with verbal assaults and had the police called in to remove us (which of course they did not do and in fact explained our rights to be there to those folks). Some are fired from their jobs. A baker in Colorado is being sued for exercising his Biblical beliefs and not baking a cake for a same sex marriage. This is only the most recognized suits against Christians and their businesses.

In light of the kinds of persecution that take place the world over, where millions of Christians face life-threatening circumstances every day, the examples above seem more like harassment than real persecution. But we cannot discount the very real danger some Christian business owners face, the possibility of losing their business and livelihood.