
By Tyson Thorne

January 27, 2016

Every book of the Bible, like most historical narratives, books and even movies, has a Big Idea. This is more than a theme or a lesson, it is a core concept that ties everything together. It is one central lesson or idea that the material centers on. One may discover the Big Idea by observing explicit statements or phrases, especially those which are repeated. Discerning the Big Idea helps us interpret difficult passages and should explain elements that seem out of place. Also, it is the crux of everything the author (or director) wants us to take home and consider. In the case of 1 Corinthians, the Big Idea is:

Restore unity in the church through proper teaching on ecclesiastical, doctrinal and moral problems.

Everything we study will come back to this central idea, so while this concept will be reinforced it is not the only way we learn the author’s intended lessons. There is also structure.


Structure & Outline

The structure of the book lends itself to three distinct sections: (1) Divisions in the Church, chapters 1-4; (2) Disorders within the Church, chapters 5 and 6; and (3) Difficulties of the Church, chapters 7 through 16.

Introduction, 1.1-.9

I. Response to Oral Reports, 1.10-6.20

A. Divisions, 1.10-4.21

1. Divisions are contrary to Paul’s ministry, 1.10-.17

2. Divisions are contrary to the apostolic message, 1.18-4.5

3. Divisions will be replaced by unity when the Corinthians stop exalting themselves, 4.6-.21

B. Disorders, 5.1-6.20

1. Exhortation to discipline immoral brothers, 5.1-.13

2. Exhortation to stop taking each other to court, 6.1-.11

3. Exhortation for moral purity, 6.12-.20

II. Response to Written Questions, 7.1-15.58 (Difficulties)

A. Instructions Concerning Marriage, 7.1-.40

B. Instructions Concerning Foods Sacrificed to Idols, 8.1-11.1

1. Christian liberty to be tempered with love, 8.1-.13

2. “Rights” can be used correctly and incorrectly, 9.1-10.13

3. Limits to liberty, 10.14-.30

4. God’s glory is our goal, 10.31-11.1

III. Final Instructions (11.2-15.58)

C. Instructions Concerning Worship, 11.2-.34

D. Instructions Concerning Spiritual Gifts, 12.1-.11

1. All gifts are from the Holy Spirit, 12.1-.11

2. In the Church there is to be unity in diversity, 12.12-.31a

3. Exercising love is better than exercising gifts, 12.31b-13.13

4. Prophecy is preferable to tongues, 14.1-.25

5. Do everything to edify one another, 14.26-.40

E. Instructions Regarding Bodily Resurrection, 15.1-.58

Conclusion, 16.1-.24