
By Tyson Thorne

August 30, 2017

Peter pokes fun at Paul saying some of his teachings are hard to understand, but Peter is no slouch when it comes to teaching truth. His approach may be different, but he brings home the tough teachings as well as anyone. Take these first few verses of chapter one for example. There is truth well communicated in the opening verses with just a surface reading, but its when we start asking questions about what is written that the deeper meaning shines through. Let’s take a look at verses 5 through 7 to learn how to read the rest of Peter’s writings.

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love.

This may appear to be a very random list of characteristics that lead one to a godly spirit, but because we worship a God of order (1 Corinthians 14.33) nothing is ever random. There is meaning, then, not only in the order of these characteristics but also in their pairings. What meanings can we derive from this unexpected order?

Notice that verse five begins, “For this reason…” This is an extension of a previous thought, so what is the reason for Peter’s list? Looking back up in the text we discover that the “reason” is to teach us to share in the “divine nature” and to overcome the world and our sin nature. That’s a pretty good goal, so anything we can learn that helps make that happen is welcome.

The first and easiest lesson to learn is that these character traits ought to increase over time. Write a list and start practicing them. You will likely find that there are too many to practice a single day, so take one a day. This will help you get a feel for what demands this make on your character. Later, try practicing one a week, then one a month. They will eventually become significantly ingrained and become a part of your personality.

The second lesson is more difficult because it is less objective. There is a reason for each of the pairings, but that reason may be different depending on the person and their present character. Below is a list of the pairings; try and determine what they are intended to overcome. There are no wrong answers here, and it is likely that what answers you come up with are the ones that are right for your personality. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and, if you like, involve your significant other in this project as well. In some cases their input may be as valuable as your own.

Faith + Excellence = ______________________________

Excellence + Knowledge = ______________________________

Knowledge + Self-control = ______________________________

Self-control + Perseverance = ______________________________

Perseverance + Godliness = ______________________________

Godliness + Brotherly affection = ______________________________

Brotherly affection + Unselfish Love = ______________________________

Seven pairings in all, which is hardly a coincidence. While I am not into numerology or other esoteric Bible-related mysticism, it is clear that some numbers are significant and the number seven is one of those numbers. Seven represents perfection and completion and is called the “number of God” for that reason. Since increasing these characteristics helps us to share in the divine nature (which we will have in abundance when we are made complete in Christ), we see why these seven pairings are significant.

In pursuing these things you might want to go back and examine our brief word study on each of these characteristics, then dive in! I am confident that if you make the effort the Holy Spirit will grant you increasing measures of success.