
By Tyson Thorne

May 21, 2014

Acts3 HealLameMan large

Discovery! It is a word that evokes excitement and a spirit of adventure. In truth, however, every discovery from early exploration to modern medicine is merely a discovery of what has been there all along. Take Columbus or the Vikings for example. Neither created the New World, they found it. When researchers “discover” a cure the cure itself isn’t new; the cure is a chemical found in nature that has the desired effect. Why do I bring this up? Because I’ve made a discovery in Acts 3.1-.10. Sure, it’s a fascinating story about faith and healing, but the Bible is full of such experiences. Walk with me through the passage, as I guide you to the life’s greatest discovery.

Peter and John were making their way up to the temple in Jerusalem for prayer. This is significant, because it gives us insight into the early church. Apparently, at first they still followed some of the Jewish traditions. Among those traditions were the daily prayers offered at nine, noon and three in the afternoon. So they were on their way into the temple when they came across a lame man.

The lame man’s story unfolds across chapter’s three and four. Evidently he was born with a condition that kept him from walking his entire life. At this point the man is over 40 years old (4.22) and was carried, probably by family members, to the temple gate to beg. The man had no means of supporting himself, and begging was the only form of social welfare available to him.

His situation is little known in America today. Studies show that 80 percent of homeless people have a chemical dependency they do not want to overcome. 80 percent! A few weeks ago I had stopped at a gas station on South Colorado Boulevard to check the air in my tires. While I was checking them a wild-haired man came ranting and walking up to me. He was clearly well liquored up. “Hey man! Do you have 50 cents? My car ran out of gas and I need 50 cents to ride the bus. Do you have any change?” In all honesty I didn’t have what he was looking for, but this passage has been on my mind the last couple weeks. I stood and turned to the man and said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but do you know Jesus?” Needless to say my words weren’t received with the same result as Peter and John’s. The man cursed and flailed his arms at me and stormed away.

But that is not our lame man’s response. No, the lame man is in the same position that the other 20 percent of America’s homeless find themselves in. Some suffer physical ailments, like our lame man. Others suffer mental illness, which is just as debilitating. And still others, well, they’re you and me with a few sad twists to their life’s story.

It is likely our lame man considered his birth defect a cruel twist of fate as well. What he didn’t see, what he couldn’t know, is that it was for God’s greater glory. Peter and John come upon the man, as I’m sure they had three times a day for the past few days, and the Spirit moved them to make a difference in this man’s life. Listen to this expanded translation of the event:

And Peter, having looked at the lame man with a piercing gaze together with John said, “Look at once on us!” And he began to fix his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold coins I do not have, but that which I have, this I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, start walking and keep on walking.” And having firmly grasped his right hand, he raised him up. And instantly his feet and anklebones were made strong.

Suddenly, the lame man is not only not lame, but for the first time in his life he can walk! And run! And jump! There was no surgical procedure. There was no wheel chair. There were no months spent in traction wearing bulky braces. The man wasn’t just healed — he was completely healed! His feet, his ankles, his muscles — all healed! His mind knew how to direct his legs; the muscles in his legs didn’t spasm from years without use. He went from 40 years of lameness to being completely healthy and normal in seconds!

No wonder he ran and jumped around. No wonder the people stared in awe and were filled with amazement. Some of these people had seen the man begging for more years than they could remember. Now he was made whole. What made the difference?

At first the people thought the difference was Peter and John. Both were quick to correct the crowd’s thinking. “It’s not us!” they proclaimed. “Look to Jesus! He’s all it took to make the lame walk.”

I can’t help but think of the wild-haired man I met a few weeks ago. He stormed away from me in a flurry of arms and foul speech, but he could have walked away with Jesus instead. Jesus could have made the difference in his life, even as He had the lame man’s. Jesus could have healed him of his alcoholism, could have set his life on a straight path. All he needed was Jesus. Instead the man stormed away vehemently. He might never know how much he lost. And that’s the great discovery! All we need is Jesus too!