By Tyson Thorne

February 11, 2015

1PetFinalExhortations large

Be a self-less Shepherd

Peter’s final words appear in a series of instructions and greetings, beginning with those with responsibilities and ending with the common believers. As such, Peter begins with an exhortation to the elders. Peter does so with the appropriate credentials (He is a fellow elder, an apostle of Christ, and one who will share in the glory of Christ at His return). Had the elders been instructed by a younger Christian they would have been dishonored. Peter didn’t merit his instructions to boost his own ego, rather he honored the elders by proving his superior position. Therefore, Peter begins with a statement regarding his authority, then exhorts the elders to three intentional ministries:

• The first of these three is that elders serve willingly, from the heart, not because they have to.

• Second, that there would be no financial considerations behind their willingness to serve.

• Third, eldership is not for megalomaniacs.

As a good shepherd cares for the welfare of his sheep, so good elders are to care for the welfare of God’s people. The chief motive for the shepherd-elder is deep love – straight from the heart.

Be a Humble Servant

Next, Peter turns to the “youth,” that is, everyone under the elder’s authority. Even as the elders are to serve in love, so the believers are to respond in love (“In the same way…”). They are to respond to each other humbly, never thinking themselves better than another. And for what reason does the believer respond in this fashion? So that we might be exalted with our Lord Jesus – the Savior who cares for us – at the time of His return.

Be on Guard

We are to always keep watch, for in the moment we are not prepared, the devil will emerge from the dark recesses of the world to devour the believer’s humility and intention to serve. Through discipline, by keeping alert, one may remain steadfast in the faith and resist the devil’s attack. And Peter knows something about the Devil’s attacks. Remember Jesus warned him personally that Satan had asked permission to sift Peter and the other apostles like wheat. Even though Jesus prayed for him, it wasn’t to spare him the attack but for strength to persevere.

Following our stand against evil, our concern will once more be for our brothers in Christ - who are all undergoing the same trials - and our hope can be in victory. When the suffering is endured, the precious Lamb of God Himself will restore, support, strengthen and establish you. May Jesus always be praised for His faithfulness!

In the last section of his final exhortations, Peter greets everyone in the outer regions of the empire for those believer’s struggling together deep inside Rome’s borders. It is here that Peter discloses his purpose: to affirm the true message of God and to encourage them to hold fast to the message alone.

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