By Tyson Thorne

June 4, 2015

ESG 3 large


The New Testament talks about spiritual gifts in several places, yet the knowable facts surrounding them are few. On the other hand, there is a whole lot of opinion that is often taught as fact regarding gifts. Some may wonder, “Is it important to speak in the tongue of angels?” What language do angels speak anyway? As far as I can prove Biblically they speak Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. I can guarantee that many who claim this gift do not speak (or pray in) any of those languages. So how do we separate the fact from the fiction? We have to go back to the Word of God.

Which brings us to the few facts we have regarding the distribution of gifts. The first is that spiritual gifts are distributed by Jesus (Ephesians 4.11) and by the Holy Spirit at will (1 Corinthians 12.11-18). This gives holy importance to even the most menial of tasks. This also means that while some gifts are given at conversion, others are only given as we have need. The second is that every believer has at least one spiritual gift (1 Peter 4.10), but that no believer can have all the gifts. If a believer could possess all the gifts, he would not have any need of the body of Christ, for he would be eye and hand and foot etc.

Some professing Christians earnestly seek gifts that God has not given them, or do not like the gifts that God has given them. I caution the former to learn about and use the gifts they already have before seeking new gifts. Only when we can perfectly use what God has given us should we ask for anything more, lest we appear ungrateful for his mercies. To the later, I emphasize God’s sovereignty, pointing out that God gives his children good gifts (Luke 11.11-13). We should not presume to know “better” than God by being dissatisfied with the gift He has imparted to us.

Those are the few facts surrounding the distribution of gifts. Now, what about opinion? I mentioned already that opinions abound, but usually they fall into one of three categories.

A theological viewpoint which attempts to explain God's behavior concerning His followers as being planned, rather than erratic, and as being different in different ages of man's history. A dispensationalist is one who adheres to this theory. The dispensationalist believes spiritual gifts are distributed to the body as a whole. That not every congregation can expect to have every spiritual gift at work in it, nor can any one generation. For example, after the foundation of the faith was laid down, the gift of apostleship was no longer needed. This does not mean that our twentieth century got slighted, for we are benefiting from and building on the work of those who had the gift.

All gifts are always available, all the time. This view believes that all the gifts mentioned in the Bible are for all time and ought to be sought after and identified. Every local body should strive to exhibit all the gifts. Several gifts may be given to one individual to help fill the need in that body, so size of congregation is relatively unimportant.

This view states that these passages do not speak on spiritual gifts, but on unity, love, and proving a message. The spiritual gifts were actually given to verify that the message the apostles brought was true, and were not to be sought after. After all, the greatest gift, according to the apostle Paul, is love, which is something we all share in at all times. A topic we’ll pick up next week.

I hope it has benefitted you to learn about this important element of the Christian life, as we have discovered that spiritual gifts are given to God’s children, that they are different from our other abilities, and that they are to assist us in our daily ministry. I challenge you to look for opportunities to love and serve others. Become willing to do anything for God! And remember, faithfulness in one opportunity to love, leads to other opportunities.

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