By Tyson Thorne

June 10, 2015

OtherGifts large


Though not Spiritual Gifts, the following have been seen as gifts from God’s Holy Spirit at some point in Scripture. These gifts are different from the spiritual gifts of the New Testament in that they are temporary. While the Holy Spirit played a role in the lives of believer’s before the time of the Messiah, he did not permanently indwell believers. This explains David’s plea in the Psalms (51.11), “Take not your Holy Spirit from me” and the description in 1 Samuel 16.13-14.

Craftsmanship (Acts 16.14; 18.3)

The ability to use creative skills to maintain, further and/or beautify God's kingdom. Normal skills can be enhanced by the Holy Spirit to create truly remarkable objects. In Exodus 31.1-5 we read about Bezalel, a man greatly skilled and gifted by God. The Spirit of God can help grow an individual to reach their full potential so long as the gift is directed toward God’s glory.

Music (l Chronicles 15.15-.22)

The ability to inspire others to worship the Lord through music. This gift may include musical composition, or being particularly skilled with an instrument or at singing. David was the first to implement the gift of music in temple worship, and the Revelation of John informs us that such worship is characteristic of God's throne room.

Strengths (see the book of Judges)

The Judges of Israel were gifted with various strengths. Sampson (Judges 14.6) was of course gifted with physical strength (and absolutely zero wisdom, unfortunately). We see the Spirit coming upon Gideon and Jephthah (Judges 634; 11.29-33). Gifts of leadership and courage were often granted to political and military leadership (1 Samuel 13.1-14). In the Old Testament gifts were largely granted for the purpose of serving the nation of Israel.

Writing (Acts 15.19-.21)

The ability to communicate clearly and effectively through the use of written language. God's Word is the ultimate gift involving the written word. Such gifts may have been used in the writing of the books of the Bible, among other literary pieces. Instructional writing, explanations of Scripture and theology and other teachings may all involve the use of this gift.

This list is not exhaustive of course, but is meant to stimulate thought in determining which of our gifts and abilities can complement our spiritual gifts. For instance, one who has strong musical talent may exhibit the gift of helps on a Sunday morning with the Music Pastor. Or perhaps one who is clever with words in written communication may use such a gift in conjunction with the spiritual gift of teaching. This is all part of bringing the whole of our being into the service of the living God.

Unlike spiritual gifts that are given as God desires, these other gifts may be asked for. There is no guarantee that they will be given, but we are told by our Savior that we ought to ask our heavenly father for good gifts (Matthew 7.7-12).

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