By Tyson Thorne

June 30, 2016

Charis Christian Center is a church and ministry located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. For years they have paid the city’s Mountain Metro Transit (MMT), the city-run bus system around town, thousands to advertise on bus benches. Their first campaigns boldly proclaimed in large letters “Celebrate Jesus” and “Experience Jesus”, and its current ad states “Jesus is Lord.” But this encouraging tribute to our Lord may be ending on July 10, 2016 as the Metro City Transit has ordered the ministry to remove Jesus from their advertising message. Reportedly the authority has received only a single complaint about the signs.

A spokesperson for the transit authority informed head and founding pastor Lawson Perdue, “…if we allow you to use the name of Jesus, then we must allow hate messaging.” This statement makes little sense, unless you insert the word “other” into the statement, “…then we must allow other hate messaging.” Clearly the authority is taking a stand that the name of the Lord and savior of millions of Americans is now hate speech. MMT has made no statement about how they have come to this conclusion, but it isn’t difficult to discern given the increase in Islamic terrorism both in America and around the world.

While the name of Jesus may be provocative, it is anything but hate speech. Examine Jesus’ teachings and you’ll find that he commands his followers to “… love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5.44). While Christianity may have had a violent clash with Muslims centuries ago, the events of the Crusades are largely condemned by Christians everywhere. Contrast this with Islam’s founder, Mohammad, who taught that all non-Muslims ought to be killed, and if they cannot be killed they should be enslaved, and if not enslaved then abused and highly taxed. There is little to no outcry against Islamic terror by Muslim’s, likely because they know all too well that terrorists are following the teachings of their prophet.

Pastor Perdue is taking the high road and instead of trading insults has gained representation from the non-profit legal agency Alliance Defending Freedom with a freedom of speech and freedom of religion suit.

“This includes Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Charismatics. This includes many people and this is about our personal fate in Jesus Christ,” Perdue said and elaborated, ““We got a call this morning by the head of transit. And he said this is not his decision, this is not the mayor’s decision. And so, this is coming from somebody within Mountain Metro Transit.”

The MMT has made a public statement about their position and action:

“The City of Colorado Springs is carefully reviewing the advertising policies of Mountain Metro Transit in light of the advertising by Pastor Lawson Perdue of the Charis Christian Center. The City takes First Amendment issues very seriously, and strives to fully comply with Constitutional Law. This commitment requires that advertisements and policies are regularly reviewed for content and legality. Mountain Metro Transit recognizes that it acted hastily in asking Pastor Perdue to change his messaging. The city attorney’s office is working diligently to ensure that the advertising policies comply with the law. During this review, no action will be taken and Mountain Metro Transit will continue Pastor Perdue’s advertisement as they currently appear.” will try to follow the story to see how things end up and encourage its readers to pray for all involved, that those who oppose the name of Jesus may find the truth of his character. We know that one day every knee will bend before the Messiah, but it is far better than people do so of their own free will before that day of judgment.

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