By Tyson Thorne
Acts 19 tells the only story of an unsuccessful exorcism in all of Scripture. The seven sons of Sceva tried to invoke the power of the name of Jesus without first preparing properly for the battle. As a result, they were defeated, embarrassed, and luck to escape with their lives. If these Jewish exorcists were so abused, what hope does any Christian have when in the presence of such evil forces?
We have the hope of Jesus. If we have put our trust in Jesus alone for this life and the next then we know the greatest harm cannot come to us. The greatest harm is spending eternity separated from God in the Lake of Fire. God holds your future in his hands and his is faithful to all his children. That said, there is much up to that point that may occur to the unprepared believer.
There are many good Christian thinkers who disagree with me on this point, but it is my understanding that a follower of Jesus cannot be possessed by an evil spirit. There is simply no place for such an entity once we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. And even if it were a theoretical possibility, imagine the demons discomfort being so near God’s Spirit. It would have no choice but to submit, making its possession a moot point. Finally, it is my belief that the afflicted must have invited the demonic spirits presence into his life, or he had someone in authority over him (such as a mother or father over a child) for the demon to possess the individual. Possession of, or dominion over, a person must be approved to be spiritually binding (i.e. “legal”).
This does not mean, however, that the believer cannot be oppressed by a demon. The difference is that oppression is an external force exerted against the believer, as opposed to an internal force possessing or controlling the afflicted. While I have never been involved in an exorcism, I firmly believe that I have been in the presence of those afflicted with possession or oppression on at least two occasions over the course of my life, and it is probable that every believer will have such experiences if they are practicing their faith. Having contact with the demon possessed or oppressed can cause a transference, meaning the demon may leave the afflicted in order to follow and attempt to torment the believer.
Should a Christian fall under the direct attack of such forces he may find he or she may find they struggle with depression, an inability pray and seek God, a disinterest in reading the Bible and attending church, temptation to escape one’s life through the use of drugs or alcohol, a struggle to keep oneself away from pornography or sexual practices outside of God’s framework. In extreme cases they may be subjected to night terrors and even physical assault. If you believe you suffer from such a condition seek the assistance of other Christians immediately for prayer and other assistance.
The best way to protect oneself from such activity is to avoid contact with those who consort with evil, and to daily put on the full armor of God that Paul describes in Ephesians 6. One puts on the armor through prayer - asking God to protect one’s thoughts, one’s heart and one’s faith – and by reading and memorizing the Bible so we will not fall for the twisting of Scripture such entities employ. Also, be confident in your God. Jesus tells us not to fear such beings who may even be able to kill the body! “But I will tell you whom you should fear, “ Jesus continues, “fear the one who, after the killing, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!”
Fear of the Lord develops the courage necessary to face the adversary.