By Tyson Thorne
Patrick Buchanan once stated,
In the West, the God of Christianity has been superseded by the gods of modernity: money, sex, fame, power. These gods give a good life, but they cannot sustain life. As Christianity is a dying faith in every Western nation, every Western nation is dying.
Jerry Falwell wrote in a piece titled Is There Any Hope for America?,
About 40 years ago, God spoke to my heart about saving America. At that time, our U.S. Supreme Court — in 1962 and 1963 — had thrown prayer and Bible reading out of our public schools. Ten years later (1973), Roe vs. Wade declared open game on our unborn. Today, we have nearly 45 million dead unborn babies as a result of this decision. And now, America — a nation under God for 200 years — is about to completely abandon the God of our founding. In recent days, our federal courts have legalized sodomy and declared illegal the Ten Commandments.
I realize some of the readers of this site might take issue with these two men on a host of issues, but in each of the quotes above there is little to take umbrage with. I don’t know of any Christ-follower who applauds God being pushed to the back seat by power and the things it buys, or the dismissal of the Bible and its ethics in federally funded institutions. I do know a great many, however, who have thrown up their hands and wondered aloud, “What can I do about it?” They don’t realize that there is little difference between throwing up one’s hands and washing them of these concerns.
I am here to remind every reader of one simple truth: you can vote. Standing against a government’s assault on God will get one killed in many countries around the world, but in America it is your right. Since today is Election Day in America I consider it an opportune time to remind you to speak for God and to keep those who wish to usurp his place bound by the constraints of our constitution. The alternative leads down a path that ends with our becoming one of those that kills God’s servants.
There are many ways to serve and speak for God in this nation, most of which will cost you nothing. You can give of your time, your money, your prayer life with little repercussion. Bigger stands may take larger tolls, resulting in losing a job or even imprisonment. These punishments for doing right weren’t shunned by the disciples of the first century. It’s worth thinking about, but today is a day to think about one thing only: how do I honor God with my vote?
I imagine most of you have already voted, and if you didn’t do so prayerfully then there is next year. If you haven’t yet voted, however, take a few moments with God and ask for his guidance in the booth. Do so while you still can.
“But in fact, if you happen to suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed.
But do not be terrified of them or be shaken.” – 1 Peter 3.14