By Tyson Thorne
Next Sunday begins the third week of Advent, marking the mid-point of the season.
While the return of Jesus could have happened at any point in history, it has never been so likely as it is to happen in the next year. This could very well be the believer’s last Christmas on earth. With that understanding this season should inspire us all the more to live rightly, make amends where necessary and prepare oneself to humbly enter the presence of the King of kings and Lord or lords.
As mentioned last week, it is never too late to start enjoying the Advent season. As Christmas draws nearer the anticipation only grows, and so does the list of last minute shopping trips, baking sessions and parties. The ability to continue to focus on the Person behind all the hype becomes all the more difficult, and the readings below will help you to maintain that focus.
Third Week of Advent
The third candle is that of the shepherds and is called “Joy”. The readings relate to John the Baptist -- the first to recognize Jesus as Messiah, and the shepherds who were the first to see him enter this world.
Sunday Isaiah 60.1-3
Monday 2 Corinthians 4.3-6
Tuesday 1 John 1.4-7
Wednesday John 3.16-21
Thursday Isaiah 40.1-11
Friday John 9.1-7
Saturday Luke 3.1-6
We will publish the next weeks readings every Thursday to give you time to prepare any other traditions you may want to begin or keep.