By Tyson Thorne
Next Sunday begins the final week of Advent, the week leading up to the primary celebration of our savior’s birth. Just as the angels heralded the arrival of God’s son so we are to announce the purpose of that coming and a warning to those without hope in God of the coming judgment.
Throughout history the middle and near eastern nations have valued the principles of honor and shame. Honor is gained through honesty, integrity and consistency of lifestyle. Shame is brought upon the one who embraces self-serving ideals and a propensity to settle disputes through violence and impropriety. These are kingdom values as well, and for the believer to gain honor there is no greater time or opportunity to live for God and boldly tell family, friends and co-workers of the greatest gift of all – a right relationship with the Creator.
You are called to live a kingdom lifestyle, the choice is yours this season as to whether you will fulfill the calling or follow your own way. Before you decide, read the words of Paul to the church of Ephesus: “As a prisoner for the Lord then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” It is not just your pastor who wants you to live in the kingdom and its values, not just, but all the saints who have gone before you. Make your decision, and make it soon for the season is nearly over.
Fourth Week of Advent
The fourth candle is the Angel’s candle and service focuses on the announcement of the Messiah’s birth.
Sunday Isaiah 11.1-10
Monday Zephaniah 3.14-17
Tuesday Matthew 1.18-25
Wednesday Luke 2.8-20
Thursday Matthew 4.14-16
Friday Isaiah 2.1-5
Saturday Luke 2.25-33
Christmas is nearly upon us, may this week bring you closer to He who saves and make this season the most memorable yet.
We look forward to your visiting on Christmas Day for a special message of hope.