By Tyson Thorne
This has been a long topical series, perhaps the longest in our short history here at Think-Biblically. Hopefully it has been informative and helped every reader learn a little something about both their role in this world, their duty before God, and an appropriate response to conflict. In concluding our study of Islam I’d like to review what we learned.
There are two aspects of Muslim life, religious and civic. In regard to religious life, Muslim’s are guided by the Quran which they believe to be the very words of Allay, penned by him in Arabic. It is Allah’s final testament to mankind and usurps the authority of all other religious texts. In this book is the teaching of Jihad, or war against unbelievers. Just as Allah is characterized as being able to do anything to achieve his ends, including lying, so too is humanity enabled to do evil if the end result is to accomplish Allah’s will. Allah is therefore very different from the God of the Bible, Jehovah and the Quran very different from the Jewish and Christian Scriptures.
Jihad is an important concept in Islam, and permission is granted in the Quran for Muslims to make slaves of Christians and Jews who will not convert to Islam, or to simply kill them. Lying in wait on a roadside to find and kill a Christian or Jew is acceptable and encouraged. All ruthlessness is encouraged in any dealings with infidel. Dying while warring with unbelievers is the only guaranteed method of salvation.
In regard to civic life, many crimes may be met with extreme penalty, but Muslim men have the advantage in the criminal justice system. Women are considered property, must always respect Muslim men and server their husband. Muslim men may have many wives, and keep infidel slaves for sexual exploitation. Muslim women may only have one husband. Non-Muslims have even fewer rights in Islamic-controlled regions and are supposed to pay an exorbitant tax to the governing authorities in a fashion that humiliates the unbeliever. When the infidel stops being useful to the Islamic state they may be killed without prejudice.
Just as individuals are permitted wide latitude in dealing with unbelievers, so their government is given right to deal treacherously with foreign, non-Islamic powers. They may lie, cheat, steal and break treaties at will so long as doing so is to their own advantage. All victories, even small ones, are used to encourage the faithful that Allah is on their side. Islamic states therefore cannot be befriended by or even allies with infidel nations.
The only description befitting such a religious and political system is “evil”. There is no rule of law if honesty, morality and conscience are not foundation stones of the society. All Muslims, even benevolent ones who abstain from practicing Jihad, are victims of this system and are to receive our loving attention to warn of damnation and be shown the path to freedom and salvation. We are commanded to lay down our life, if necessary, to bring them to faith in Jesus. Our government, however, is to protect people from Islamic terrorism and treachery through military force when necessary.
Since Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America (overtaking Mormonism in the winter of 2001) we must ready ourselves to defend our faith before them, communicate the gospel to them, and guide them into a personal relationship with Jesus.
For further study I recommend reading They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel and Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef.
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