By Tyson Thorne
Tabloids and even respected news outlets are eager to report the recent decision of Bruce Jenner, a former gold medalist in the 1976 Olympics, movie actor and TV reality personality to announce himself a trans-woman. He admitted to struggling with gender dysphoria since his youth, cross-dressing, and even undergoing hormone replacement therapy for a time in the 1980’s. He has undergone cosmetic surgery as a part of transforming himself into the feminine person he wants to be, though has not (yet) undergone gender reassignment surgery. He is possibly America’s most famous transgender persona. Learning what we did yesterday, the issue of “gender identity” raises a series of serious questions.
The term “gender identity” is defined by the Human Rights Campaign as “a person’s innate, deeply felt psychological identification as a man, woman or some other gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth (e.g. the sex listed on the birth certificate).” The term was invented by the American Psychological Association to refer to “one’s sense of oneself as male, female or transgender”, so I guess they have the right to define the term, but there are several issue’s I take with the HRC’s definition.
First, gender identification is limited to one of two designs, male and female. There is no third option. “Transgender” is only a name given to a fantasy whereby people imagine they can be whatever they want. This directly opposes Genesis 1.27, “God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” Second, the definition presumes that the individual knows better than God what sex they should be. This is clearly intended by the word “assigned”. They hide their intention, making it appear that whomever filled out the birth certificate is responsible for assigning gender, when in reality this is God’s decision. The entire notion of gender identity is an attack on God’s design and authority.
God created the genders (Genesis 1.27), God decides our sexual identity (Jeremiah 1.5) and God has declared what manhood and womanhood are to be (this is spread out throughout the Bible but is clear in the curses God hands out when we fell (Genesis 3.16-.19) and in instructions to husbands\fathers and wives\mother’s throughout the New Testament). For this reason any attempt to alter this design is rebellion against God. To be clear, this includes gay, lesbian and transgender. While not directly related to our discussion, this also includes fornication, adultery and most divorces as these also fall outside God’s divine plan for human sexuality.
Attempting to change one’s gender through surgery and chemical supplements is tragic and an ultimate attempt to rebel against God. If mankind were only a biological machine, as evolution teaches, then surgery could give men and women the freedom they desire from God’s plan. The body, however, is only a vessel and a cursed one at that. Just as we were formed from the earth, so our bodies will return to it. It is our spirit that survives eternally and there is no surgery that can alter the spirit.
Some believe it courageous to announce their rebellion to those around them, to “come out” regarding their choice to live apart from God’s design. In reality they are openly flaunting their brokenness and exalting their captivity to their favorite sin. It is for just such people that Jesus came and gave his life. The wickedness of their actions must be set aside so that we can show them what they are missing and what their spirit truly longs for, fellowship with their creator. It is imperative that God’s people respond appropriately to all who have fallen so far. Some will be open to the discussion, others will react vehemently to your approach. Either way, we are to show God’s love. Tomorrow we’ll explore what that looks like.