By Tyson Thorne
Today I’m taking a break from the usual flow of this site to mourn the loss of a spiritual giant: Dr. Jonathan Smith. Jonathan was a professor at Western Bible College (WBC), then Colorado Christian University (CCU) and a founder of Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary (RMBC). He was a founder of Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada, Colorado and a co-founder of Dare2Share Ministries. It was my honor to call him my teacher and my friend.
I met Dr. Smith at CCU and was uncertain at first what to make of the jovial professor of a class on Marriage and Family. As incredible as the class turned out to be, I have not to date put into practice what I learned there (being neither a husband nor a father), though it was still a life-changing event. Because of his direct influence I began a habit of journaling, a practice which lasted well beyond the classroom and even college and, to a large degree, resulted in the creation of this site. To say his impact and influence on my life was deep would be an understatement. In fact I credit him, along with Pastor Fritz Dale and mentor Bill Jack as the three men who most influenced my Christian life.
On one occasion in a class on end times I remember him telling us what he hoped heaven would be like. “Can you imagine, sitting at the feet of Jesus as he teaches us? Heaven will be like one eternal classroom where we get to learn from the Master!” The whole class groaned.
Jonathan was such an amazing man there are many stories one could tell. Always kind, always affable, I never knew him to speak an unkind word. Except, perhaps, about babies. Yes, babies. It was at RMBC in an Anthropology class that our dear professor began speaking about the sin nature. “We’re all born with one” he said, “And we start sinning at an early age.” It appeared he started to veer off topic when talking about having children. “Babies have different cries for different needs,” he explained. “There is a cry for food, another cry for needing to be changed. I heard my first-born crying his food cry and went in to feed him, but he wouldn’t take his bottle. Thinking I perhaps misunderstood I checked his diaper, which was dry. Confused I stared down at the child and stated, ‘You little liar!’ “ It was a well delivered respite from the mental exercises we’d been through that night.
Jonathan always had time for people, whether a student or congregant, and was always ready to help. As one police officer found out after being pulled over by the good doctor. Curious, the officer stepped from his car and walked back to Jonathan and his wife’s vehicle asking if they needed assistance. “No,” he said, “I just wanted to let you know you have a tail light out.” That was Dr. Smith.
I owe him a great debt. Everything I know about the human condition and most of what it means to be a spiritual man in an ever increasing secular world is due to his obedience to his calling. I’m sure many others could share their favorite stories about this remarkable man of faith, and I invite you to do so on Think-biblically group on facebook. To Jonathan, I hope heaven is exactly as you hoped. I look forward to seeing you again one day and to being your student once more.
Dr. Smith is survived by his wife Maybelle, three children and five grandchildren.