By Tyson Thorne
I just recently finished writing my own commentary on 1 Corinthians. One of the many things this task taught me is how concerned the apostle Paul is with Christian Education (CE). The first issue Paul takes us in this letter is that of Christian educators, and the quarrels that arose from following the teacher rather than the teachings (1.10-.17). Over and over, from verse 10 of the first chapter to verse four of the 12 and on through the book Paul emphasizes the need for unity in CE.
Now before any can leap to conclusions, allow me to say that I am not speaking of the trendy “unity” so often invoked by the world. Though Paul intoned the notion of “Unity in diversity” many times in this letter, he did so with strict limitations. Within the body of Christ, we are to be unified in purpose, though we may all serve in differing capacities. We are to be unified in our message, though diverse in the method of communicating it. Paul held no tolerance for those who disagreed with the fundamental principles of the gospel, nor should we. The “unity” discussed by Paul for the content and purpose of the gospel message is never to be broadened to include the acceptance of those who live in blatant sin and yet claim Christ. That said, we’ll move on.
Looking to 1 Corinthians 12.4-.11 it is apparent that Paul teaches the two truths of unity (in who we worship) and diversity (in how we worship) in constant tension. It is important to have these truths emphasized and held in proper tension. For if one sacrifices diversity for the sake of unity he also sacrifices strength and interest. If, on the other hand, one sacrifices unity for diversity, he also sacrifices direction. Paul emphasizes these truths and the importance of this tension in Ephesians 4 as well.
In verses 12 through 26 Paul analogizes this truth by introducing the figure of the church as a body. This is a powerful analogy as it is an obvious one. One’s family is also a body of sorts, as is one’s classroom. The analogy describes well the relationship of members to other members as being a collaborative one. This is also true of any educational setting, whether it be a church service, a classroom or a homeschooler’s kitchen.
Next Paul introduces the first potential problem of such a body: people de-valuing their role. Parents, educators, pastors and students alike cannot afford to take their position too lightly. Good coordination between the body and the head (in the church’s case this is the congregation and Christ, in an educational setting it is the students and the teacher). The second potential problem is people de-valuing others’ positions. A teacher loses his effectiveness when the student no longer believes the teacher to be relevant. Likewise, the student will learn little from a teacher who believes the student incapable of learning. In this case the solution is good coordination between the head and the body (that is, the teacher and the student).
This instruction is driven home in chapter 12 verse 36 through 13 verse 13 through four points:
- The depth of the body’s commitment, 12.26
- The fact of the body’s commitments, 12.27
- The function of the body’s commitment, 12.28-.31
- The basis of the body’s commitment, 13.1-.13
This thesis is important to education because it gives us the basis for determining the effectiveness of the educational process. If the student’s are not learning, then does the teacher have the right basis for the class? If the basis is good, firm and right, how is the class functioning? If it is functioning well, then do we have a classroom situation that is truly committed, teacher to student, student to teacher? If the class is truly committed, then how deep is the commitment?
For those involved in the education of others, 1 Corinthians provides excellent tips for structuring the relational dynamic of teaching.