By Tyson Thorne

December 28, 2016

Yesterday we looked at how to create righteous goals for the new year by asking three key questions: How do my actions impact my relationship with God, how do my actions impact my spiritual growth, and how do my actions impact my ability to share the gospel? Through careful observation of our lives and by being honest with ourselves we can determine proper goals. But this is only part of what we need to know to develop the kinds of goals that honor God and build our connection to him. Today we examine four areas in which we ought to determine goals.


I know this may sound dry and wearisome, but doctrine needn’t be any of these things. It is the learning of God’s character, word and ways. We may not always understand God’s plan or purposes, but as long as we understand who God is – that he is good, and holy, and loving and just – then we can find comfort, faith, trust and true life. Perhaps among your goals for the new year is to study the nature of God, or God’s plan for the church, or the Bible’s teaching on the nature of humankind… The possibilities are endless, and fruitful. J.I. Packer, theologian, professor and prolific writer once said,

“Doctrinal preaching certainly bores the hypocrites; but it is only doctrinal preaching that will save Christ’s sheep.”


By “devotion” I do not mean “devotions” or “devotional”, the word in this case has less to do with our habits regarding prayer and reading the Bible and more to do with the inclination of our hearts. What holds the attention of our waking hours? How do we know what we are devoted to? What do you most think about? Our thoughts often drift to the object of their devotion. Those devoted to God find their hearts lifted in holiness and their minds turning to how best to know him. This does not come naturally, and C.S. Lewis offers us advice for increasing Godly devotion:

The moment you wake up each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists in shoving it all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in.


This is often mistaken for “works”, as if we needed to find things to do for God. The beauty of the gospel is that we are not responsible for working for God, but instead for permitting God to work through us.

“Duty”, then, is to do as God would do in the power he provides. Often our definition of “duty” is an action required of us, but this is thinking of it the wrong way around. For example, God is generous; does this mean we are to be generous? It could be said that way, but it is better to understand that it not we who are generous but rather that we permit God to be generous through us. This way of thinking keeps us from being “works” oriented and our focus on God.


To delight in the Lord is to take pleasure in who God is and to enjoy his fellowship. This is the joyous side of devotion; it is more than adoration as it exists only when in a satisfying relationship with God. And like love, we delight in God because he first delighted in us. God is on our side, and we are on his. Prayer isn’t a chore, it’s a time of refreshing. Reading God’s Word isn’t boring, it’s like reading a love letter. God may be your judge, but he’s also your best friend. This is what it means to delight in the Lord. Try meditating on the verses below and see if your delight doesn’t grow.

“The Lord your God is on your midst; he is a warrior who can deliver. He takes great delight in you; he renews you by his love; he shouts for joy over you.” – Zephaniah 3.17


“Trust in the LORD and do what is right! Settle in the land and maintain your integrity! Then you will take delight in the LORD, and he will answer your prayers.” – Psalm 37.3-4

Understanding these four elements of Christian life helps us to identify proper goals in life, not just for this year but all the years to come.

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