By Tyson Thorne

December 29, 2016

Three days until the beginning of 2017 I want to offer one final thought regarding New Year’s resolutions. What we have looked at so far, identifying areas needed for improvement and how to make righteous goals, can seem like a lot of work – and it is. Being honest with ourselves and identifying areas of weakness usually is. Even so, I offer this encouragement: becoming more like Jesus often doesn’t require hard labor but an open heart. Remember Jesus’ words:

“For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry” (Matthew 11.30).

Allow me to insert a short note about “yoke”. The purpose of a yoke is to enable a pair of animals, usually oxen, to pull something of weight together. This divides the labor between the two animals. It is also used to help guide the animals, usually by a beam or strap used to steer. When Jesus uses this language, the implication is clear; we do not labor alone, Jesus is next to us, and we are not moving in circles but are guided by a gentle hand or prodding.

Remember yesterday we learned that Christianity is not a works-based faith, and that instead of thinking we are working for God we should train ourselves to see that God is working through us and in us. It is God that does the work, if we are willing. For this reason I think that, while you may find many areas of your life in Christ that need attention, you should pick only one on which to focus for the coming year. You won’t reach perfection in 12 months, but you can become more godly in one area of your life in that time. So which area do you choose for your focus?

Spend time praying over the list of possibilities, then be still and quiet and listen. Most of us acknowledge intellectually that the Holy Spirit indwells us but few spend time trying to hear him, to feel his prompting. I know this might sounds touchy-feely for you, it does me too, but there is an art to identifying the voice of God in your life. Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice” (John 10.7). So listen and concentrate on God’s character. He will lead you to an answer, and don’t be surprised if you find that it’s exactly what you need for facing the trials of the coming year.

God rarely tells us exactly what to do, he prefers instead to tell us what to become. There is a difference between doing and being. Often there are things we need to do in order to become the person God wants us to be, but those actions will look different for everyone. If you find the burden of your plan of action to be great, re-evaluate your plan. Don’t follow a known blueprint, find another way to build into your life whatever it is God has called you to. Your plan should be one that is easy to bear, and easy to carry.

I’m keeping this one short, it is a holiday week after all, and take this opportunity to thank you for your spiritual support of me and I wish you all God’s best in the year to come.

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