By Tyson Thorne

January 3, 2017

The Ayatollah Khomeini once said, “We know of no absolute values besides total submission of the will to the Almighty.” That sounds good on the surface and might even be something a Christian might use to find common ground with a Muslim friend. That is, until you uncover what Islam teaches about the character and will of the “Almighty”. We’ve discussed before the differences between the Muslim God Allah and a the Jewish\Christian God YHWH before, but in light of recent events I thought it useful to stress those difference once more especially since the media doesn’t seem to get it.

Khomeini elaborates his religion’s teachings, “People say: ‘Don’t lie!’ But the principle is different when we serve the will of Allah. He taught man to lie so we can save ourselves at moments of difficulty and confuse our enemies. Should we remain truthful at the cost of defeat and danger to the faith? We say not. People say: ‘Don’t kill!’ But the Almighty Himself taught us how to kill. Without such a skill man would have been wiped out long ago by the beasts. So shall we not kill when it is necessary for the triumph of the faith?... Deceit, trickery, conspiracy, cheating, stealing and killing are nothing but means. On their own they are neither good nor bad. For no deed is either good or bad, isolated from the intentions that motivated it.”

So let’s get this straight, and to help us do that a chart may help.

There are other differences too, not mentioned by the Ayatollah. Andy Bannister, of Ravi Zacharias Institute, also mentions that while Allah is distant and remote YHWH is relational and wants to be known; furthermore while the Bible describes God is Love, the Koran never uses such language in relation to Allah. We could go on, but there is little point. The obvious conclusion is that Allah bears a greater resemblance to Satan than to the God of the Bible.

Of course there is rationalization for all these sins receiving Allah’s approval, the defense of the Islamic faith. According to Islam, the “faith: must be defended at any cost. Salahudineen Yusuf Bin Ayyubi, a 12th century Jihadist who conquered Jerusalem, makes this clear when he says, “I do not know whether Islam was spread by the sword, “(it was), “but to defend Islam you need a sword.” Compare this to Paul’s teaching in Ephesians chapter six, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood…” and other teachings that emphasize that our enemy is not people but philosophies that lead people away from God.

Next time someone tries to draw a moral equivalency between Islam and Christianity, you can draw from this article to reveal the truth.

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