By Tyson Thorne

January 4, 2016

We spend a lot of time on this site talking about connecting with the God who can be known, but a sermon last Sunday reminded me that those connections can be broken. He demonstrated this truth by plugging in a lamp, which shone brightly, and unplugging it causing it to go dark. In modern language, we say that we have become distant from God. In first century parlance, we have stopped “remaining in God.” Have a look at John 15.5,

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me—and I in him—bears much fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing.”

The implication is our connections to God need to “remain” connected.

What does this mean in practice? How does it look in real life? “remaining in God” means that the connections we make are like muscles – the muscles of faith – in that with use they develop and when unused they atrophy. What that means is that when we continue to use those connections we make with God our faith also grows and we become emboldened in sharing our faith with others. If you haven’t upheld God and the Bible before your co-workers, friends and family or shared your faith with the same then it is likely you are not remaining in God. So if it is important to maintain those connections by remaining in God, what breaks those connections or keeps us from maintaining them?

In a word, fear. Jesus said it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom because they have too much to lose by following God. He also said all things are possible with God, so what is impossible for man is possible under God’s leadership. But the point remains, we can lose a lot by building connections with God. Take for example talking about God in the work place. It may mean losing the best paying job you ever had. Do you trust that God will provide for your needs even if you find yourself in the unemployment line? Or at home, are we willing to risk relationships with father and mothers, brothers and sisters, to remain in God?

One of the biggest fears in all of Christianity, however, comes not from the workplace culture or a family members resistance to God’s grace, it is government I can’t tell you how many pastors have told me that they don’t apply God’s Word to politics for fear of reprisal from government and political activist groups. The threat of losing their non-profit status is very real when they apply biblical teaching to political hot-button issues like homosexuality and LGBT issues, endorsement of political candidates, or criticism of public policy issues. Activist groups with deep pockets attempt to scare small churches into submission through lengthy and expensive legal proceedings.

While these threats are disturbing in a democratic republic with freedom of speech, believer’s face greater threats around the world. In Russia, where religious freedoms had been enjoyed for a little over a decade, the old policies of atheist dictators have resumed. Last July Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law a policy requiring the any evangelical message must be in a church or on religious property. This effectively outlaws home churches, concerts by religious bands and groups, street evangelism, and all private discussions about Jesus. The penalty for breaking this new law can be years in prison.

In less developed countries Christians are executed by reigning Islamic leaders every day. The world does more than threaten believers, it follows through with horrific actions that attempt to keep us from a quality relationship with God. How are we to respond? If we truly remain in Him there is no other response than Peter’s to the authorities that tried to shut him up, “We must obey God rather than people” (Acts 5.29) and accept whatever consequences we face as a result. Whatever happens, remaining in God is better for us and for our world.

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