By Tyson Thorne

February 28, 2017

Jesus said to those who came to arrest him on the night he was betrayed by Judas, “This is your hour, and that of the power of darkness!” Dark deeds are usually done in darkness, as was the case last Friday night when around the world those devoted to witchcraft cast a binding spell on the president of the United States. When I heard of their plan earlier in the day I could help but think, “Oh it’s on, witches!” At midnight, a friend of mine and I prayed together for God’s intervention and protection of the Commander in Chief.

Spiritual warfare is a topic many Christians are interested in but rarely participate in. Time to dust off that breastplate of righteousness. The easiest response would be to laugh off such efforts to undermine the work of the world’s greatest superpower, or to assume that God has the situation well in hand. Seeing this event as anything other than a call to arms would be a mistake. Examine part of the spell that was recited, and will be recited on the night of every waning moon until Donald Trump is out of office:

“Hear me, oh spirits

Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air

Heavenly hosts

Demons of the infernal realms

And spirits of the ancestors…”

Any time demons are invoked its serious business. We’ll talk about how to counter such action in a bit, first we need to understand the seriousness of witchcraft. To God, people working occult practices was forbidden in ancient Israel (Deuteronomy 18.9-14) and was a capital offense (Exodus 22.18). The command to execute those who practice witchcraft was given to the nation of Israel, not to modern believers whose enemy is not human in origin (Ephesians 6.12). Even so, the command does give us insight into how seriously God takes such evil practices.

If killing witches is out of the question (a lesson our ancestors of the 15th through 18th centuries should have learned before burning witches at the stake), then how do we battle possibly tens of thousands of witches around the world from perpetrating a coordinated attack? In this case, our weapon is prayer. Written prayers are not spells, contrary to some people’s beliefs. We have composed a prayer that you are welcome to use and to adjust as you see fit. We recommend praying these words, or ones like them, before you go to bed on each of the dates below.

March 26

April 24

May 23

June 21

July 21

August 19

September 17

October 17

November 16

December 15

That will get us through the year. If this proceeds into 2018 you can check a lunar calendar for dates of the waning moon. Now to the business end of this post, our battle prayer.

Our Lord and Father in Heaven, we are aware of a plot against your people and we humbly seek your power and righteousness in battling the forces of wickedness. We know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but have divine power to destroy strongholds. These weapons are truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. As such, we take up the full armor of God that we may be able to demolish arguments and every lofty opinion raised up against the experiential knowledge of God and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus. In doing so we pray against the vile plans of the iniquitous to vanquish every impurity and temptation.


We ask that you protect Donald Trump through your Holy Spirit. He has claimed allegiance to our Savior Jesus. May you increase his wisdom and knowledge and learn to take up and put on the full armor of God.


For your enemies, we do not ask that they experience your full wrath, something no one could survive. Instead, we ask for a reversal of their plot and that the spirits they call upon would visit and bind them instead. Let them know the oppression of demons so that they might understand the forces they ally with and turn from their unrighteousness and serve you only.

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