By Tyson Thorne

March 16, 2017

In 1859 Charles Darwin wrote about his belief that a human fetus underwent every stage of its evolutionary development in the womb. It started as a single cell, becoming a fish, a reptile, and an ape on its way to being born a completely human child. A little over a hundred years later the US Pro-Abortion movement would argue that a human fetus isn’t the same as a human life and is instead a piece of tissue that can be removed at any point during the pregnancy without moral consequence. A couple decades later, they were all proven wrong.

Scientists settled the issue through experimentation and some gruesome technics to determine what a human fetus looks like at each week of development. Today you can go to most any museum – even the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in my home town – and see for yourself. It is very clearly a human child at only 8 weeks, which is before most women even know they are pregnant. With the evidence in hand, it is very easy to argue that human life begins at conception.

Enter abortion. It isn’t a topic we cover much on not because it isn’t important – it is vitally important – but because most people have made up their mind about the issue. The dividing lines are oddly drawn, with the pro-abortion movement (largely atheist) denying the science, and the pro-life movement (largely Christian) embracing it. Many think calling abortion “murder” is going too far, after all the child hasn’t drawn breath yet. I go a step further still, and call it “evil”.

Evil takes life. Evil tries to keep people from talking about it. That is what is happening in France where a new law is being considered. The law would make it a criminal act for a web site to provide information that might persuade a woman not to have an abortion. Sound outrageous? Of course it is. But even more crazy is the fact that the law has already passed the French Senate and the National Assembly, and is currently under review by the Constitutional Counsel. It is likely going to become law, stifling truth and freedom of speech. Or as I put it, “evil”.

Need more evidence? How about this: In Tucuman, Argentina a feminist march included a very sick, bloody demonstration of an abortion in front of a Catholic church. The “abortionists” dismember a fake baby. Blood and body parts liter the street. That’s not the worst part, however. The woman receiving the abortion is dressed like Mary, the mother of Jesus. I’m sure that if the devil could travel back in time and kill Jesus before he had a chance to die for the sins of humanity, he would. And the people involved in that women’s march are his disciples, learning evil from their master.

I’m not saying these women, or pro-abortion people in general, are Satanists. I am only comparing the level of evil in killing an unborn human is one of the worst acts imaginable. As bad as those women in ancient days who would get pregnant for the sole purpose of sacrificing their newborn to Moloch, cooking the child alive on an alter before their idol (Leviticus 18.21, 2 Kings 21.6, Ezekiel 20.26-31). The only difference is that, instead of sacrificing to Moloch, they sacrifice the child to make their own life easier. I’m not sure which is worse.

I am aware that with a reader base the size of’s the odds are that we have a few who have had an abortion. My words may come across as harsh or hurtful. Please know that I have no intention of making you feel guilty for something you may have already sought forgiveness for from our Lord. When the Lord forgives, nothing more need be said or done. Also, there may be someone in the rare position of having had to have an abortion to save their own life. This is likely the only legitimate reason for such an action. Be comforted. If you have had an abortion you don’t have to lie to yourself any longer, or hide from the truth. You come before the One who described himself as “The Truth” and find forgiveness and peace.


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