I started making things more complicated than they needed to be at a very young age. It started with small things, like arguing with my parents that “because I said so” wasn’t actually an answer to "why". Then it lead to a revolutionary understanding. I began to see that that there was no problem, however complicated , that if you looked at it in the right way, couldn't become still more complex.
Welcome to Think-Biblically.com. You have discovered a place that reveres the Holy Bible. This site strives to spread spiritual knowledge, holy living, and godly influence. For one can only live by what one knows, and in so doing compel others to do likewise. To think biblically, then, leads one to live rightly and speak courageously.
Back in June we looked at two legal cases that were supposed injustices and gaining a lot of attention on Facebook and Twitter. We discovered at the time that one of those cases was just indeed, but the other quite the opposite. That later case is the affair of Brock Turner, a 20-year-old college student who was arrested for raping several girls on campus. During the course of trying the case the charges were reduced to three charges of sexual assault. The convictions carried a possible 14 years in prison. He was convicted on all counts but received a six-month sentence, three of which are to be probation.
In all our talk about what the gospel isn’t, it is important to understand what it is. The gospel is both a proclamation and a person. It is the Word that we proclaim, and it is this same Word, the person of Jesus Christ, whom we follow.

It had been a cold winter on the north-east coast of the United States in 1861, colder still were the hearts of many in the south. As Abraham Lincoln rose to power, so the 11 states announced their succession from the USA.
“Good or bad, it’s not what you’ve done it’s what you’re going to do that matters.”
I don’t remember where I first heard those words – I think it was in a Batman movie – regardless, their point is to inspire us to move beyond our past and look toward a better future. They affirm us that our yesterdays do not determine our tomorrow. The truth of those words is, however, applicable for only a small percentage of the world’s population.
Archaeologists at Tel Lachish, the ruins of a city in the Kingdom of Judah until its destruction in 701 BC, discovered an ancient toilet. While normally such a discovery might make for some entertaining headlines, it wouldn’t be considered of much importance. It is the location of this particular commode that makes it newsworthy. It was found in a shrine-like room which also contained cult figures, badly damaged ones at that, their horns smashed. The Times of Israel reports that it appears ancient Israelites installed the john in this alter room as a way to desecrate the idols.