By Tyson Thorne

January 21, 2015

Identity1 large

In 1 Peter 1.22-2.12 we discover profound truths about our identity in Jesus Christ. Rather than the practices we once kept as unbelievers, looking out for number one, we are now characterized by purity of love for one another (according to 1.22). This love is not superficial, as in “I love ice cream,” rather, it is a “deep” love. The Greek word used here means literally “in an all-out manner, with intense strain.” This is possible because in Christ our entire being has been morphed into something completely unlike our previous selves. This radical change has affected our minds and souls, enabling us to become children of God. How did this transformation begin and when will it be completed? The next 16 verses explain the details.

Birth through the Word.
Our story begins in verse 23, when we were born again. Unlike our first birth, this birth is not perishable (i.e.. it does not result in death), but is imperishable (meaning that it results in eternal life). The imperishable nature of this new birth is because rather than being born by man & woman (who will pass away like the withering grass, 1.24) the new birth is by the Word of God (which shall endure forever, 1.25).

Growth through the Word.
For this reason repentance is now called for. We are to no longer crave malice, deceit hypocrisy, envy and slander, and instead are to crave the spiritual truth as a child craves milk (2.1-.3). This spiritual milk truly “does a body good,” as it is by this milk that we grow up into a holy priesthood.

Building the holy body.
That’s right, God is preparing and growing and stretching us through life, with both good and difficult times. Peter makes no bones about our rejection by the world as we come to Christ, he states clearly that we are like the living stone that was rejected by men but who is precious to God. We are precious to God “As we come to Him,” which is not to say that we come to Him time and again for salvation, but rather describes a habitual practice of coming before the Lord. Even as Christ is precious to God, we too are precious.

An important aspect of our identity is the understanding that we are all priests. Martin Luther is famed for coining the phrase “personal priesthood of the believer,” but we must credit Peter with the coining of the concept.

As priests, we are responsible for making sacrifices. But rather than sacrificing an ewe lamb, or a cow, we are responsible for making spiritual sacrifices. One such sacrifice is belief in Jesus as the Messiah. There are those who do not make such a sacrifice and reject the living stone are therefore destined to be rejected by God. Yet Peter is confident of better destinies for us, the chosen people, forming a chosen priesthood, who become a holy nation belonging to God. This is perhaps the most important aspect of our identity: that we belong to God.

Because we now belong to God, and for the sake of a good testimony to unbelievers, we are to live righteously. Verse twelve implies true children of God will be falsely accused. As believers, we are to do nothing to give them assistance in such a deception. We are to live honorable lives, making sure there is no truth behind their accusations.

There are good, logical reasons for purity of thought and action on the part of the believer, but Peter mentions a reason that one might night think of immediately. The reason we become a holy priesthood is to declare God’s praises. The reason we are to live holy lives among unbelievers, is so that they might praise God on the day of His return. Praise of God is an important concept to the believer’s identity.

In summary then, the eternal Word that was preached to us produces a hunger for truth, a love for others, and obedience to the Lord. We have been brought into the light of a royal priesthood to become holy priests living in obedience to the message of Jesus, praising him and living a life that will inspire others to glorify God when he returns.

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