By Tyson Thorne
Last week we mentioned that Jesus had two key concepts emphasized in the Sermon on the Mount. Last Thursday we learned the first of these was persecution; today we learn the second. The second key concept is: Rejoice when persecuted.
This sounds either laughable or criminal. People tell lies about you and you’re supposed to rejoice? Lord, how about you let me get one good shot in before I rejoice? People like Pastor Aroun Voraphom in Laos are tortured before having their throat slit ear to ear and they are instructed to rejoice? What kind of madness is that? We rejoice when we are persecuted for two reasons.
The first reason is because we are earning rewards in heaven. Some people do not understand this principle, but twice in Matthew Jesus talks about heavenly rewards that we will receive when we are with Jesus face to face. The idea of rewards, or “laying up treasures in heaven” is a teaching that has been mostly neglected in modern times, but it was considered a very real motivation for obedience throughout Christian history.
The second reason is because when we rejoice instead of retaliate we become more like Jesus. Jesus did not defend himself when he was persecuted, or at his trial. He did not defend himself when beaten and whipped and nailed to a cross. We rejoice in persecution because we understand that in some small way we are sharing in the suffering of Christ and being made more like him. Those are great reasons to rejoice!
One side note: I am not suggesting we become pacifists. Jesus’ teaching to “turn the other cheek” is regarding persecution. If you are mistreated because of Christ, endure it. If we are endangered for any other reason, we can and should defend ourselves appropriately. Also, recognize persecution for what it is. If you are being treated poorly because you are following Jesus, it is persecution. If you are being treated poorly because you are a jerk, it is justice.
This leads us back around to our two questions:
• Do you want to be godly?
• When was the last time you were persecuted?
These are telling questions. The closeness of your walk with Jesus can be easily determined by the answers to these two questions.
If the answers in your heart come back, “No” and “Not lately” then there is a problem in your relationship with God. Seek guidance from your pastor or a godly friend. If the answers in your heart come back “Yes” and “recently”, be encouraged! You are part of the kingdom! You are different, and unique and willing to endure to help others find peace with God.