"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. Terrorism in Syria drives Muslims into Jesus' arms, Dallas-based megachurch Gateway opens a new campus in maximum security prison, and Senator Corey Booker (D) proves judicial nominee Neomi Rau knows the US Constitution better than he does.
Judah, after enjoying her “Reagan Years” under king Josiah, a time of plenty and peace was entering a time of uncertainty. The Babylonian uprising caused Assyria to stop raiding Judah and concentrate on putting down the uproar on the other side of the kingdom. During this time King Josiah instituted mass reforms, both religious and economic. But when Babylon’s army hoards took Nineveh, then the Egyptians, Judah knew her time was about to end. Indeed, even the prophets had been foretelling of a time of great calamity. The entire nation was gripped by fear and panic spread like wildfire.
Last Thursday's article Think-Biblically vs. Nancy Pelosi generated more email than any other article to date. The theme of the bulk of those emails was regarding undocumented immigrants and concern for their welfare. Specifically, the question regarding a Christian's responsibility to people in need — but this question was split into two distinct divisions (likely based on the writers perception of illegal immigration). One part of the question was about our responsibility to the needy in general and the other half was regarding a Christian's responsibility to the needy who are lawbreakers. The other big question was what is a Christian nations responsibility to the world's poor?
"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. Australia starts a new educational program in public schools to push LGBTQ agenda, the UK is planning to pass a policy demanding all schools "actively promote" the LGBTQ agenda, and DC Comics newest superhero getting a six issue deal is... Jesus! (Kind of.)
The environmentalists having been telling us since the 1950's that the end of the world is only 20 years away, and modern researchers claim we should be more concerned about the shifting of magnetic north which is happening faster than ever expected. For some the rising global population is the world's biggest problem, for others it is hunger and a lack of drinking water. In industrialized nations one often hears that the proliferation of nuclear weapons ought to be our biggest concern along with international terrorism and war. So what is the biggest problem facing the world? Surprisingly, none of these.
After helping a friend move last Saturday I sat down at 3Margaritas for dinner. I love Mexican and Tex-Mex food, and proudly ordered the Macho Burrito, asking my server only one question: "Does that come with a side of toxic masculinity?" For those who haven't heard, the term "toxic masculinity" started in America's most liberal college campuses and has become a topic for pundits on all the cable news shows. It is defined as a sharp focus on the pattern of bad behavior men exhibit, but it also is used as an excuse for feminists and others to criticize masculinity in general.
"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. The FFRF attempts to bully public schools (again) while Ken Ham offers those same schools liberty and protection, a California school violates student's first amendment rights, and Florida schools will start classes on religion and the Bible due to a democrat bill.
"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. Gallup poll shows Americans are losing their religion, former heavy metal guitarist returns to Korn to show the rockin' world the true Rock Jesus, and iPhone maker Apple removes a Christian app ministering to the LGBTQ community from their iOS store.
"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. Democrat senator Lionell Spurnill says Christians should "trust in God" for protection, the History Channel produces a new series about Jesus, and an Israeli doctor compares Mario Cuomo and New York's new abortion law to the Pharaoh of the Exodus.
"Media" used to mean "print media" like books and newspapers, but the world has grown. Today media can also mean radio, television and movies delivered to personal computers, tablets and cell phones. As the world's best selling book of all time the Bible continues to make headlines, both good and bad, across all forms of media. Lady Gaga attempts to shame Mike Pence and his wife for supporting a school with Biblical values while claiming to be a Christian herself, and a California pastor is ousted from his church after a sermon teaching the Bible's point of view on LGBTQ issues.
On January 3, hours after becoming House Speaker, congresswoman Nancy Pelosi expressed her view about building a border wall, "The wall is, in my view, immoral..." I'd like to know what her moral standard is because, although she is Catholic, it is not the Bible. Ever since King David built a wall around Jerusalem (a wall that Nehemiah rebuilt at God's leading), walls have been important to the nation of Israel. Even today, Israel walls off parts of their border with Egypt and around some Palestinian communities to keep terrorists at bay. Israel has known from its beginning that walls work.
As 2018 comes to a close we at Think-Biblically.com pause to reflect on the way God has blessed us, and how we can do better in the future. This year we had our 5th birthday and celebrated over 800 posts on the website. When examining the metrics for the year, we learned some valuable lessons and a little bit more about our gentle readers. For example, the 6th most read post isn't even a post, it's our statement of faith. That tells me that our audience is savy who make sure that what they read agrees with the Word of God.