1 John 2.28-3.10
The Book of First John
Suffering with Rejoicing
Though the believer will point to God when speaking the Word and serving others, unbelievers will prefer to be distracted by the human vessel of God’s grace. For this reason, believers who love and serve as they should will undergo persecution. A literal translation of verses 12 through 19 follows.
The Purpose of Holiness
So far Peter has defined Holiness, showed us what it looks like, explained how it relates to God’s character, and commands us to make it a part of our lives. Now he tells us the purpose.
1 John Chapter 2
1 Peter the Book
To close this study on 1 Peter I thought it appropriate to pull together all the materials created in the writing of this series and to offer it up as a free e-book. Download, print and enjoy!
The Product of Love
Continuing with the theme of judgment, verse seven warns that the end of all things is near. His warning rings even more loudly today than then. Peter lists for us examples of how we are to live, but none of these examples are new as he has raised them elsewhere within the same letter. In other words, these examples are so important he mentions them twice.
Submission, Part 3
Peter doesn’t stop here. His final urge to the scattered Christians is that they “live in harmony” with each other, that they “love each other deeply” (reference 1.22), to be “compassionate” and “humble.” Peter implores us to shrug off the opposite of these virtues: revenge. Rather than revenge, our every intention must be to bless everyone we meet. This requires honesty (“…must keep his tongue from evil, his lips from deceitful speech…”); being a do-gooder; one who seeks – even pursues – peace. Does this description yet sound familiar? Read on, true to form Peter will provide us with the Excellent Example!
1 John Chapter One
Final Exhortations
Peter’s final words appear in a series of instructions and greetings, beginning with those with responsibilities and ending with the common believers. As such, Peter begins with an exhortation to the elders. Peter does so with the appropriate credentials (He is a fellow elder, an apostle of Christ, and one who will share in the glory of Christ at His return). Had the elders been instructed by a younger Christian they would have been dishonored.
Judgment and Reward
There are some passages of the Bible that are difficult to understand or explain. Verse six raises one such mystery. What does it mean that the “gospel was preached even to those who are now dead?”
Submission, Part 2
Men and women, though created equal, were also created different and contrary to popular belief women do not receive the short end of the stick in the Bible. There are some who believe that chauvinism was championed on one end of Christian history by the apostle Paul, and on the other by Bill Gothard. In all truth, however, the Bible doesn’t demonstrate such thinking.